First there was a start down 1/4 mile of pavement and I made a bored looking face... But actually I was contemplating whether I wanted to be the roadie dork who won the hole shot only to fall all over himself at the first sign of dirt. I opted to enter the dirt ninth wheel.

Next there was passing and riding hard and racing...

Followed by more riding hard and getting passed... Dude on the single speed was waaay too strong.

And yet more riding hard. Check them bar-ends! Probably the only pair in use that day... What can I say? I'm a dinosaur. And they work for me. I really don't fully understand why they've become so looked down upon.

Then my quads cramped up on the last lap and I almost lost a place but held it on at the finish - barely as evidenced by the below thousand words.

Then I washed in two cycles of technu, switched to baggy pants like everyone else and stood and grinned on the steps. W00t.

Pretty satisfied with 3rd of 34 overall and 3rd of 13 in the 35-44 year olds. Now I never allow myself a moment of pride without trying to crush myself in the same breath so I will mention here that I WAS SANDBAGGING IN THE NOVICE/BEGINNER category. But, hey, that's what it says on my license! Definitely want to do more mountain bike racing and upgrade.
And in case I was too subtle with the photo credit they were all by Steve Anderson (, whom I hope to crush on the track Friday night! hehe...
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